To avoid transaction fees involved in card payments and in order to keep our prices so competitive, we are CASH ONLY. Please come prepared! If you forget, there is a free cash point in Torrington, about 3 minutes walk away, located at Duffy's Home Hardware.
Alternatively, you can pay by Bank Transfer using your mobile banking app while at your appointment.

New Patient Assessment: £60

This involves: A case history being taken, a thorough examination combining use of the hand held scanning tools, to detect probable sites of inflammation and over or under activity of the muscles and a regular hands on examination as well. When the examination process is complete, the findings will be discussed and then we will progress to your first treatment at the practice.

Follow-up Appointments £35

This involves: A brief feedback on how things have been since the last appointment, any changes to the symptoms? Then a chiropractic adjusting treatment will be given.


We have a ground floor treatment room, and no steps into the building. We also have an upstairs treatment room and toilet. 

Parking in Torrington for North Devon Chiropractor

We don’t have onsite parking, however there are parking bays very nearby, opposite The Plough Arts Centre, where you can park for 30 minutes for free. Or there are more bays in the town square, including disabled spaces, again where you can park for 30 minutes free. There are two car parks in Torrington, South Street Car Park, or Barley Grove Car Park, where they currently charge £1.10 for an hour. We are located on the corner of Cornmarket Street, opposite the Opticians.

Contact us


Tel: 07460 815 874
We cannot accept text messages on this number

Email: Click Here

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